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December 2008 was the twelfth and final month of that leap year. The month, which began on a Monday, ended on a Wednesday after 31 days. Euro, které mělo v zádech uvolněnou měnovou politiku ECB, ztrácí dosud v roce 2019 více než 2 %. Česká koruna patří ke měnám, kterým se naopak docela dařilo.

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978, EUR, 1, Euro, 68.3747. 356, INR, 100, Indian Rupee, 86.7449. 398, KZT, 100, Kazakhstan Tenge, 16.2060. 124, CAD, 1, Canadian Dollar, 47.0137. 18 Nov 2019 euro. But the challenging growth outlook points to little impetus for a material euro recovery even longer when also adjusted for taxes paid. Fees, foreign exchange rates, and taxes may vary by brand, channel, and location based on a number of factors. Fees and rates subject to change without notice 

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